You can map multiple Dropbox accounts as network drives without installing them on your computer and copying the content to your local drive.
Mount Cloud storage allows you to upload files to Dropbox just as if you were moving them to a local folder in Finder. Mount all your Dropbox accounts including one of them without charge.
Integration with Finder
Map cloud storage as a network drive and use online files the same way as with local ones. Additionally, you can enable offline mode to have the necessary files within reach and work with them regardless of the Internet connection. The most important - all edits made offline will be synchronized when re-connected to the Internet.
Cloud Services
Cloud mounting software makes your cloud accounts easy to reach. Mount multiple Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive accounts without having to transfer files to your computer. Moreover, you can use one of each of these cloud services with encryption for free.
Mount Google Drive
Work with all your online sheets and docs as with local files. CloudMounter lets you mount numerous Google Drive accounts on your computer, one of them for free.
Even though you are working with your Google Drive files as with local ones, you won't need to save them on your Mac.
Even though you are working with your Google Drive files as with local ones, you won't need to save them on your Mac.
OneDrive for Mac
With CloudMounter, your Microsoft OneDrive accounts can be set up as local drives, making working with them as easy as with any other local folder on your computer. And there is no need to copy anything to Mac to be able to fully manage the account content. Choose your main OneDrive account and manage it in Finder for absolutely free.
Amazon S3 browser and Backblaze B2
Store any number of files of any size in your Amazon S3 or Backblaze B2 and get easy access to them with CloudMounter.
Amazon S3 file manager
CloudMounter brings your work with Amazon S3 storage to the next level. It is easy to mount your favorite secure online storage to Mac as a removable disk.
This gives you the possibility to conveniently manage your data in your Amazon S3 account, choosing whether to connect to Amazon's entire account or mount one of the buckets.
CloudMounter supports all AWS regions and works with Amazon S3 and IAM-compatible storage solutions.
This gives you the possibility to conveniently manage your data in your Amazon S3 account, choosing whether to connect to Amazon's entire account or mount one of the buckets.
CloudMounter supports all AWS regions and works with Amazon S3 and IAM-compatible storage solutions.
Backblaze B2 cloud storage
With CloudMounter, you can connect to Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage on macOS computer as if it was a local drive. Work with online files without saving them to a computer, and manage your documents from a B2 cloud account directly.
Get access to the Backblaze B2 account from Mac Finder thanks to our cloud manager. Any number of accounts can be mounted at the same time.
Get access to the Backblaze B2 account from Mac Finder thanks to our cloud manager. Any number of accounts can be mounted at the same time.
FTP/SFTP/FTPS, WebDAV, and OpenStack Swift clients
Mount FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, and OpenStack Swift servers as drive and manage your online files as if they were stored on your machine — all using CloudMounter. The app safely stores all your server settings and passwords are kept safe in Keychain.
FTP/SFTP Connection
Connect to your web servers through standard or secure FTP protocols, mapping FTP as a network drive in Finder, and access your online files as local ones — view, delete, create, as well as upload to and download files from your remote server.
With CloudMounter, you can conveniently view the full file structure of a website or a file server.
With CloudMounter, you can conveniently view the full file structure of a website or a file server.
WebDAV client
Connect to and mount the WebDAV server as disk on your Mac. Thanks to CloudMounter you get full control over remote files on the server — create, view, upload, etc.
CloudMounter uses multiple connections for file transfer as well as for browsing and deleting remote folders.
CloudMounter uses multiple connections for file transfer as well as for browsing and deleting remote folders.
Mount OpenStack Swift cloud to Mac
Connect OpenStack storage to your Mac as local disk. With CloudMounter, you can access your private OpenStack cloud as if it’s your regular folder on your Mac, but without occupying any drive space.
Mount as many OpenStack servers as you need, manage your online data, and transfer it between the servers – all directly from your Finder window.
Mount as many OpenStack servers as you need, manage your online data, and transfer it between the servers – all directly from your Finder window.
Box, MEGA, and pCloud Client
Access numerous Box, MEGA, and pCloud accounts from one spot via CloudMounter. Handle your online documents directly in Finder.
Box cloud service
Connect to your Box account right from the Mac Finder thanks to our Box client for Mac. Make Box file sharing more convenient with our cloud drive manager.
CloudMounter lets you use Box document sharing without copying the content to the Mac hard drive. Take control of file management: download from and upload files to Box cloud service easily.
CloudMounter lets you use Box document sharing without copying the content to the Mac hard drive. Take control of file management: download from and upload files to Box cloud service easily.
Make it possible to connect Mega cloud storage as a local drive to your Mac computer thanks to the all-in-one solution - CloudMounter.
Map innumerous MEGA accounts and have seamless access to them all right from Mac Finder. Work with your online MEGA files without copying them to your computer and stealing your precious hard drive space.
Map innumerous MEGA accounts and have seamless access to them all right from Mac Finder. Work with your online MEGA files without copying them to your computer and stealing your precious hard drive space.
Being integrated into Finder CloudMounter makes it possible to set up your pCloud accounts as local drives. Connect as many pCloud accounts as you wish and get a flawless account to them all from one spot.
Thanks to CloudMounter handling your online files is easy, fast, and convenient: copy, transfer files between online accounts, edit, create, view, or simply delete right from Finder.
Thanks to CloudMounter handling your online files is easy, fast, and convenient: copy, transfer files between online accounts, edit, create, view, or simply delete right from Finder.
Secure Cloud Storages
Cloud storage as a disk keeps all files in your сlouds thoroughly protected. Encrypt Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and Amazon S3, as well as the files on FTP/WebDAV servers.


Amazon S3
Amazon S3

Encrypt data
What customers say
based on 255 reviews
CloudMounter for Windows
You can now mount your multiple cloud storages as local disks on your PC too.
Want more control over local files, remote servers or clouds? Check out Commander One! |