Box online storage manager
CloudMounter lets you connect to your Box account for easy access from Mac and guarantees convenient Box document handling without the need to synchronize with Mac or MacBook and copy the content on the hard drive. Download from and upload files to Box cloud storage in your Mac Finder app.
Multiple connections
Any number of Box.com accounts can be mounted in Finder at the same time with the help of CloudMounter. Move files among your multiple Box file storages without having to save data on your Mac.
Transfer files between servers
With the "bridges" built with CloudMounter, you can move and copy files among your cloud accounts without having to save anything to your computer. It is very convenient to directly transfer your files among different storages like Box cloud service.
Integration with Finder
Mount cloud storages as local Mac drives for easy access from Finder. Benefit from the convenience of working with files. Access, modify, and manage your files stored in the cloud without the Internet connection thanks to the offline mode featured in CloudMounter.
Why choose CloudMounter
CloudMounter is a high-quality product that smoothly integrates with Finder developed by a team of professionals who believe in the importance of privacy. Our cloud manager features a vast list of supported cloud storages and web services and we never stop working on updates to add more supported services so you never have to look for any other solution.
Usage of macOS Keychain
CloudMounter does its best to protect your data. All cloud login data is stored in macOS Keychain and is only used for designated accounts through encrypted channels.
Finder Integration
CloudMounter was developed for the smoothest integration with the Finder app to allow you to work with your cloud accounts the very same way as with local drives on your computer.
More supported services
Never stop brainstorming! We are constantly working on new implementations and supported storages and web services to be added to CloudMounter.
All supported services
CloudMounter supports Box data storage and lets you mount other cloud storages like, Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, OneDrive, MEGA, etc. as drives. Works with FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV servers.
Secure Access to Cloud Storages and Web Services
CloudMounter offers solid protection for your cloud storages. It allows encrypting Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3, as well as the files on FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV servers.


Amazon S3
Amazon S3

Encrypt data
What customers say
based on 255 reviews
CloudMounter for Windows
You can now mount your multiple cloud storages as local disks on your PC too.
Want more control over local files, remote servers or clouds? Check out Commander One! |