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Risks of using
pirated software

Olga Weis Dec 16, 2020

The times are changing; the cost of life is increasing while our income does not seem to catch up with our expenses. It is only understandable you would not want to spend money on what you can get for free. However by now you probably know that there is no such thing as ‘free’ – and even a pirated piece of software downloaded ‘free of cost’ has a certain price tag on it. Not monetary, but the one that might hit your pocket in a much nastier way.

>>Download for FREE<<

First, the pirated software won’t work. Or actually let us put it this way – it will work till you receive an update and then it will stop. Right when you need it most. Okay, say, you figured out how to keep the updates at bay by disabling ‘Automatic update’ feature but that also means that you won’t get any vulnerability patches and soon will have security issues.

Second, you expose your personal information to not-so-well-meaning hackers out there. Along with the cracked software you download malware that goes around searching for your sensitive data – credit card and bank accounts numbers, passwords, contacts, phone numbers, etc. Anti-virus programs are not almighty wizards, there is always a way to cheat it. Even if kept your passwords well protected, your computer won’t thank you for downloading the malware – it’s struggling now to keep all the processes updated.

And third – or perhaps we should have put it first – legal repercussions. Yes, the danger of getting into trouble because of using software illegally does exist and it is very real, we must say.

Download official CloudMounter

CloudMounter official

So if you ever come across the following – CloudMounter cracked, CloudMounter Multilingual, CloudMounter torrent, CloudMounter activation code or CloudMounter activation key – run away from there as quickly as possible, this version of the software is pirated.

CloudMounter is available for download on Eltima’s official web-site, from Mac AppStore or from official resellers, whose contacts you can get by getting in touch Eltima Customer Service. Do not download the software from unverified sources, and if doubt whether they are legitimate, do not hesitate to check with us.

Requirements: macOS 10.14+ , 13.1Mb free space
Version 4.7(1404) (11 Jul, 2024) Release notes
Category: Utilities