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Who we are

For more than 20 years, experienced developers of Electronic Team (formerly Eltima) have been building and delivering easy-to-use feature-rich utilities for macOS.

Striving to provide affordable and efficient software tools, a special department of the fast-growing company designed a range of versatile multimedia, cloud, and file management applications that are now increasingly popular all over the world.

Elmedia Player, Folx, CloudMounter, and Commander One are just some of the top-rated Electronic Team’s solutions loved by millions.

What we do

Our team consists of competent writers and technical experts who test, review, and recommend one or the other apps. We strictly monitor the relevance of the information provided on the site. Therefore, not only the latest reviews of applications appear on our site regularly but information on the existing ones is also constantly updated. Our main goal is to provide our users with the most relevant data on the issues they are interested in.

Our experts

I am an Internationally Certified Freelance Technical Author/Embedded system developer.

I write on varied topics including Electronics, Computers, Technology, Mac software and Apple devices. I love the excitement of exploring new ideas and the energy of working with creative people to solve problems.
First, I worked in the dynamic field of translation and localization. Over the course of 7+ years, I completed tasks in various fields from medical and technical to travel and commercial.

After that, I dove into the world of online display advertising, communicating with publishers and media buyers from around the globe.
I'm a Marketing specialist with technical background. I studied information security in university and worked in technical support for over 6 years.

Nowadays, I work for a software development company as Senior Manager of Marketing and Partner Relations, and spend my spare time writing technical and marketing publications for various websites and blogs.
I’ve been a marketing manager for four years, but technology has always been my passion. I love following tech trends and seeing the future unfold.

Digging deeply into what’s new in the Mac OS app ecosphere and what’s behind popular programs helps me understand the vast landscape of software on the platform.
Hamza Tariq is a tech enthusiast who's been writing professionally for over two years. When he's not writing, he's reading articles on how to get better at writing.
Tamal is a freelance writer. After gaining substantial experience in technology, finance, and business processes in his previous job in an IT consulting company, he adopted writing as a full-time profession.
Danny enjoys exploring different creative disciplines, especially photography. He has a degree in Sports Journalism and has been writing professionally since 2016.

We are trusted

Links to the reviews created by our professional team can be found on various high-rated and reliable resources.
“Mac: While Apple computers lack a default app with the ability to play Xvid files, there are a number of third-party apps that support Xvid for Mac. You can install VLC or get the commercial Elmedia Player, which has a free and paid Pro version to choose from.”
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“If you are preparing a video for viewing on a home theater system, then it is best to export the video to AVI or MKV; both formats can give the best result even at the medium settings of a media player. Since MKV is less common than AVI you may need the MKV Player for Mac lists in particular.”
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“When finding the best FTP client for Mac, you need to look for key features. This helps you meet your stringent demands for managing your files on your server, while also allowing you to steer clear of operational issues for your website. “
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“Your code can reside on the FTP server or other Github sources, but you can connect it with Codeanywhere and start editing and developing. For IOS developers, you can use various FTP clients for Mac.”
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“Detailed instructions on How to transfer photos from iPhone to Mac computer using Commander One are provided below…”
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“The video quality options, subtitles, full-screen, recommendations, comments, embedding, save later, etc. a number of the different prominent features that make YouTube stand out youtube mp3 converter.”
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Contact Us

You can count on Electronic Team, Inc. to provide product support, software endorsements, and white labeling.
Electronic Team, Inc.
11890 Sunrise Valley Dr, Ste 111,
Reston, VA 20191, USA