Elmedia 7
NFR License
Elmedia 7
Tell the world what you think of it
Tell the world what you think of it
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last update 26 Feb 2020

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What software experts say
“I highly recommend you to check out the Elmedia player if you often watch movies on your Mac. The free version can satisfy most users and if you are interested in the advanced features like 4K video streaming, you can upgrade anytime at a very affordable cost.”
“Ecléctico q.b., o Elmedia Player é uma ferramenta tão capaz quanto eficiente. Oferece as mais recentes tecnologias do mundo da visualização do vídeo e do áudio, não sobrecarregando de todo o processador ou a máquina em si.
Uma das suas mais recentes mais valias prende-se com a emissão para Chromecast ou AirPlay, que o tornam muito apetecível. Sem dúvida que fica recomendado o investimento por se tratar de um software bastante nobre.”
“Elmedia Player has a wide variety of other features and capabilities, but having the ability to play just about every possible video format, tweaking settings as needed for sync, audio and video problems, and being able to push it out to other displays through Chromecast and AirPlay are terrific.”
“If you are searching for an advanced media player for your mac system, then Elmedia Player 7 is here for you. Elmedia Player 7 is known as the best media player amongst the new generation of Mac users as it is packed with a number of advanced features inside.”
“This app truly heads the lists of streaming software because it allows you to cast local files to Chromecast-enabled devices quickly, easy and pain-free.”